Empowering Wellness and Inclusivity: The Visionary Leadership of Kamille Richardson and Lakila Bowden at iSee Technologies

Sep 20, 2024

The Recap Report Staff

Kamille Richardson: Turning Rejection Into a Vision of Inclusivity

Kamille Richardson, founder and CEO of iSee Technologies, has turned the challenges she faced into powerful tools for change. Born blind, Kamille’s early career search was marked by rejection and biases, as many hiring managers were unwilling to accommodate or understand her blindness. These setbacks, rather than deterring her, fueled her resolve to create her path. Instead of being defined by the barriers imposed by others, Kamille decided to hire herself, which became the solution to the problems she faced.

Kamille now leads iSee Technologies, a company dedicated to providing corporations and government agencies with the tools to address unconscious biases and foster more equitable and inclusive work environments. Her unique perspective and experience enable her to help organizations unpack the often-overlooked challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, ultimately creating more inclusive workplaces.

One of Kamille’s signature achievements is her keynote speech, “The Magic of Being Differently Disabled.” In it, she reframes the concept of disability, shedding light on common misconceptions about blindness and other disabilities. Through her journey, and the stories of others, Kamille inspires her audiences to challenge their preconceived notions and adopt actionable steps to foster inclusivity in their daily lives.

Kamille’s advice to individuals with disabilities who aspire to careers in public speaking or entrepreneurship is practical and empowering: start small and grow from there. Whether it’s conducting short Instagram Live sessions or speaking to smaller audiences, she emphasizes the importance of building confidence gradually. For those interested in entrepreneurship, Kamille suggests joining local business networks, such as the Chamber of Commerce, to establish connections, grow a network, and create visibility in the community.

Her greatest career accomplishment so far is building iSee Technologies, a company that reflects her vision of inclusivity and empowerment. By turning the countless “no’s” she received into a business that benefits not only herself but countless others, Kamille has proven that barriers can be transformed into opportunities.


Lakila Bowden: Championing Wellness and Leadership

As COO and co-founder of iSee Technologies, Lakila Bowden brings a unique approach to leadership that is rooted in both corporate success and a deep commitment to personal wellness. Having transitioned from a traditional corporate background, Lakila now dedicates her time to helping high-achieving women unapologetically prioritize self-care. She encourages women to celebrate self-care in every facet of their lives through her keynotes, breaking the idea that focusing on oneself is selfish or indulgent.

Lakila’s role as COO is ever-evolving, but her leadership style remains consistent. She focuses on honoring rest, building a strong team, and engaging with clients that align with iSee Technologies’ core values. Under her guidance, iSee has worked with major companies like Walt Disney, Kraft Heinz, and government agencies—organizations that have made wellness a key pillar of their corporate culture. Lakila emphasizes that companies willing to invest in wellness for their teams see real results, including improved collaboration and enhanced productivity.

In her own life, Lakila practices what she calls “Lakila’s Self Care Cheat Codes”—a set of simple yet impactful practices that keep her grounded and balanced. These “cheat codes” include exercise, mindfulness, and practicing deep self-compassion. But perhaps one of her most important strategies is surrounding herself with people who uplift and support her. She believes that self-care isn’t just about the individual; it’s about creating an environment where people around you contribute to your wellness and motivation.

Lakila also brings intentionality to her work at iSee Technologies. Not every organization is the right fit, and that’s okay. She prioritizes working with clients who genuinely value inclusivity and wellness, ensuring that iSee Technologies can make the greatest impact. Despite retiring from corporate America at just 37, Lakila’s proudest achievement is her impressive career accomplishments and her ability to consistently celebrate every win, no matter how big or small, even during uncertain times.


iSee Technologies: A Shared Vision of Wellness and Inclusivity

Kamille Richardson and Lakila Bowden have taken their distinct paths and combined them to create iSee Technologies, a company that provides people development solutions with a focus on workforce wellness, performance enhancement, and inclusive workplaces. Their work shifts the hearts and minds of organizations, helping teams collaborate more effectively, boost profitability, and motivate employees to perform at their best.

At iSee Technologies, wellness, and inclusivity are not just ideals—they are actionable, transformative strategies that are embedded into every partnership. Together, Kamille and Lakila are redefining what it means to lead, offering organizations the tools they need to create cultures that not only embrace diversity but thrive because of it.

To learn more about iSee Technologies

Follow Lakila Bowden on Instagram @lakilaj and Kamille Richardson @kamillealia


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